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Spraymaster mingling bomb is an insecticide in the self-emptying container automatically. The product has an immediate knockdown effect that is, kills insects immediately and prolonged action up to 8 weeks.
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Spraymaster in the form of a bomb for the premises is equipped with a special automatic valve that allows when activated to completely empty the bottle in a few minutes. 150 ml package for use in rooms with a volume from 30 to 100 m3 or 40 square meters. For larger rooms proportionally increase the number of aerosol cans. It can be used in hotels, restaurants, apartments and hospitals and offices as well as accommodation facilities. Withdrawal period 30 minutes after surgery. Before disinsection procedure ch ing ing ing food. Components of the preparation: pyrethrin, permethrin, piperonyl butotlene. It acts on fleas bedbugs of lice and mites, as well as ants and cockroaches.
Pluskwy poszły won
Świetny w działaniu. Szkoda że nie na większą powierzchnię bo mam mieszkanie 65 m i musiałem kupić 2 sztuki
Super. Polecam
Koty naniosły pcheł do domu. Po zabiegu dom całkowicie odpchlony. Super preparat.
Środek O.K
Bardzo skuteczna. Wszystko samo się rozprowadza jak w opisie. Polecam
Wszystko zgodnie z opisem Polecam
Zadziałał w mieszkaniu jak trzeba.
145,00 zł
90,00 zł
85,00 zł
265,00 zł
250,00 zł
100,00 zł
115,00 zł
220,00 zł
80,00 zł
83,00 zł
80,00 zł
390,00 zł
320,00 zł