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Spraying on mosquito flies

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Fenthrina is a liquid concentrated insecticide in aqueous microemulsion for processing with water with a strong knockdown effect. Performance for flies 6000 meters spraying on mosquitoes 10000 m spraying.

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250,00 zł

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Fenthrin is based on Etofenprox, which has a wide spectrum of action and low toxicity. Fenthrin is indicated in both indoor and external environments, both domestic and civilian, such as hospitals, schools, food industry, hotels, restaurants and everywhere an insecticide with low environmental impact is required.

Fenthrina works effectively against a large number of flying insects (flies, mosquitoes, comas, etc.)
Fenthrin can be sprayed from hand-pumped garden pressure sprayers and combustion backpacks. It is also used in spraying green areas, trees, etc. Use solution 1% or 100 ml per 10 l of water with mosquitoes and solution of 1.5% or 150 ml per 10 l of water at flies. Active substance Etofenprox 3%, Tetramethrin 2.5%



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Spraying on mosquito flies

Spraying on mosquito flies

Fenthrina is a liquid concentrated insecticide in aqueous microemulsion for processing with water with a strong knockdown effect. Performance for flies 6000 meters spraying on mosquitoes 10000 m spraying.

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