Pyregreen ecological spray on all insects flying and creeping insects...
Proven poison in the form of a paste designed to combat mice, rats and...
AlfaHit is the most powerful professional spray available on the market....
VESPAJET is a fast-acting insecticide designed for all applications in a...
Means for vipers in the form of granules in a package of 1000 ml by 50...
Means of spraying on bedbugs of fleas and lice
Black Jack Jet Action original immediately acting remedy for bedbugs for rooms up to 50 meters.
Ready-to-use original Vebi Draker rtu preparation for fighting bedbugs in the form of a microcapsule emulsion for spraying. Pack of 1L per 60 m.
Automatic sprayer - a bomb that flashes a set of 2 pieces into the premises to combat the vermin of adults, eggs, larvae and pupae of insects.
Automatic fogger fogger bomb for apartments. It works another 7 months after surgery. Kills fleas, and ticks, flea eggs, cockroaches, ants, spiders, mosquitoes and sugar fish.
Focus - a professional remedy for bedbugs. Pack of 550 ml by 11 meters.
Pluwex fights cold-blooded ines, bedbugs, fleas, lice. 100% natural product without chemistry. Liquid agent Pluwex works up to 8 h on the skin and up to 3 thousand on the surface. Pack of 500 ml.
SPRAYMASTER Fog bomb for bedbugs of lice and fleas. Instant knock down effect. Packaging per 100 cubic meters
Dobol fumigator gas candle is effective in combating nagging domestic insects such as flies, fleas, cockroaches, mites. Packaging for 50 meters of housing.
Automatic self-releasing container to fight fleas and bedbugs and mites in apartments. Pack at 80 cubic meters.
They shot on bedbugs of lice and fleas. Insecticide in a special self-differentiating spray. Enough for 80 cubic meters.
Automatic bomb for bedbugs of fish fleas and ants. Packaging on 80 square meters.
Tixi. Professional spraying on animal hair against fleas and other all cold-blooded ines. It does not contain chemistry. Fully eco-friendly. Pack of 500ml.
Spraymaster mingling bomb is an insecticide in the self-emptying container automatically. The product has an immediate knockdown effect that is, kills insects immediately and prolonged action up to 8 weeks.
Mastercid EC insecticide concentrate with total immediate action already at the time of spraying and extended duration of action up to 1 month. A pack of 1 liter is enough for 5000 to 10000 meters of spraying.
Extremely powerful and effective insecticidal aerosol effective against fleas, bedbugs and mites. It has an immediate killing effect and an excellent effect of extended action of 30 days.
Mastercid EC super-strong concentrate with total immediate action on bedbugs and fleas and lice and other insects already at the time of spraying and an extended duration of action up to 1 month. Pack of 250ml.
Ready spraying with a pump complete with lice fleas bedbugs prusaki ant spiders with immediate biocidal action. Pack of 750 ml.
AlfaHit is the most powerful professional spray available on the market. Pack of 5 liters per 5 hectares of spraying.